When I bought the $5 dresser at the All-City Garage Sale I thought it just needed to be cleaned up.
I was so naive! No stupid was the word.
This dresser took way more work than I anticipated. On the happy side it sold right away when it went into the book so on some level worth it? Maybe?
The dresser unfortunately had the funky smell that only a piece stored in a barn could accomplish and I think it was covered in chicken poop.
Sometimes I’m surprised I don’t end up with some horrible disease like the Hantavirus or something equally as terrible. Considering some of the really gross places I’ve gone picking.
I always make sure before I sell anything that it’s been thoroughly cleaned. I was asked once what I did for a living I glibly said, “I’m a cleaning lady.” because that’s how I feel some days.
After and all city sale I have to spend about a week washing everything. Consider that a pro tip for any of you asspiring vintage sellers. Get ready to clean! Make sure you have Dawn dishwashing liquid, Un-Du adhesive remover (the only product that removes the Goodwill tags), and plenty of Goo Gone so you’re ready to go!
Ultimately I think this dresser turned out cute. You can be the judge.
See how this pretty little dresser tried to kill me.
If you want to see all the thrift hauls on my YouTube Channel click just click this link!
If you want to be a vintage seller check out all my posts on selling on Etsy!