If you’re thinking about selling on Etsy what are you waiting for? This is your sign that it’s time to start and to get you started here are 9 amazing articles about Selling on Etsy to get you started on the right foot!
Okay so if you are ready to start selling on Etsy use my referral like to get 40 FREE listings for your shop! Use the link before you set up your shop to take advantage of this offer.
Let’s Start Selling on Etsy!
I’ve written so many Etsy selling articles that it’s hard to know where to start. So I think it’s best to start with all the things I wish someone had told me what I started selling on Etsy.
5 Things I Wish I Knew About Selling on Etsy Before I Started
Selling on Etsy can be quite daunting and hindsight certainly is 20/20 vision. That’s the benefit of looking back is you can see all the things you didn’t know. I literally knew nothing about selling on Etsy when I started.
Vintage Selling on Etsy What You Need to Know

When you start trolling around Pinterest of information on selling on Etsy most of what you’re going to find are articles and blog posts written for the person starting to sell their handmade items. Not surprising since that is the Etsy bread and butter. Even Etsy’s articles and blog posts are geared towards makers and not vintage sellers.
Still have questions? Check out the next article!
Sell On Etsy – All Your Questions Answered
Making the decision to go into business for yourself can sometimes be stressful and there’s a lot of uncertainty about what to do. Who do you talk to? If you’re like most people who don’t have a cadre of Entrepreneurs that you can turn to with all your questions. No worries! I’ve got your back.
Once you get your shop set up you’ll want to know all about how to promote you shop and ensure you’re listings are found.
Promoting Your Etsy Shop Online and Offline
I hear over and over Etsy sellers are noticing their sales slumping every time Etsy shifts an algorithm here and there, which they unfortunately do A LOT! So how do you keep your traffic flowing? You need to find new way of promoting your Etsy shop.
How to Set Up Your Etsy Shop Policies
Setting up your Etsy Shop Policies may not be glamorous but it is highly necessary for your shop’s success.
Etsy SEO What Is It & Why Does It Matter
One of the things I didn’t realize when I started selling was how important SEO was going to become to me. I just want to sell vintage and now I have to become a marketer? Okay, game on!
How to Earn a Five Star Etsy Rating
Want to learn How to Earn a Five Star Etsy Rating? To be honest the bar for customer service is so low that it’s really not that difficult to earn a five star rating on Etsy. Here are a few of my favorite tips to earn a five start review!
Does Setting Your Etsy Shop to Vacation Mode Negatively Impact Your Shop?
2020 started out with a bang as far as my Etsy sales went.
This was after I had returned from setting my Etsy shop to vacation mode. I had put my shop on vacation about a week before my mom passed away and then brought it back up about a month later. I thought everything was fine until February dried up.
A friend of my said she would never put a shop on vacation because it, “Puts your shop in a coma.”
How to Create An Etsy Listing Using the Etsy Sellers App Step by Step
The Etsy Sellers App is a convenient way to create a new listing while on the go. Taking kids to dance class, running around finding new inventory, we’re all busy and the seller app makes listing on the road convenient. Here’s step by step guide to using the app like a pro!
I Hope These Articles Are Helpful!
I sincerely want to help you launch our Etsy shop with your best foot forward and give you the best chance as making loads of sales. If there are questions that were not answered yet I am happy to answer them for you. Just comment below and let me know what they are.
Don’t forget the 40 free listings to get you started!
Don’t forget to check out my YouTube Channel where I have a list of Reselling 101 videos for you to binge!
If this list of articles was helpful to you please share it so others can benefit too! Use the pinnable image below.
Many blessings to you!