Start with the a Good Adhesive
You absolutely have to use an adhesive to secure your stencil in place. I cannot stress that enough. If your stencil moves around your lines will be sloppy. If you can get a custom adhesive stencil cut for you on Etsy from an adhesive mask that works the best but if that’s not available to you then buy something like:
Krylon Easy-Tack Repositionable Spray Adhesive – 10 1/2 oz
Use the Base Coat
After you stick the stencil down with your adhesive, roll a thick coat of the base color over your stencil. Not too thick, you still want to be able to see where your stencil is, and then let the base coat dry. That will fill in all the little gaps around the stencil.
That’s How to Stencil Without Paint Bleed
Now you stencil like you normally would. Use a sponge brush, or I like to use makeup sponges, and pounce the paint on one thin coat at a time. Once you’ve finished use an sharp bladed craft knife to cut around the stencil before you pull it away.
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Are you looking for a new challenge? Check out one of my favorite new posts How to Stencil with Spray Paint!
Please watch my YouTube video above and watch how it’s done if you’re confused by any of the steps so you can see how easy it is! Comment down below if you’ve tried this method and let me know how it worked.