Hosting a fundraising garage sale is one of the best ways to raise money for any organization. People are so willing to give their stuff to charitable organizations to sell. Especially if they believe in the cause. And speaking as a garage sale shopper I willing to give you money to take those items away!…
Category: Business
Vintage Selling on Etsy What You Need to Know
When you start trolling around Pinterest of information on selling on Etsy most of what you’re going to find are articles and blog posts written for the person starting to sell their handmade items. Not surprising since that is the Etsy bread and butter. Even Etsy’s articles and blog posts are geared towards makers and…
5 Things To Check Before Renting A Booth in a Shop
I get it! You’re very excited. You have an opportunity to rent a booth to sell [insert your product – vintage, antiques, crafts, soaps, jewelry]. There are a few things you’re going to want to think about before you hand over your hard earned money and sign a contract.
5 Things I Wish I Knew About Selling on Etsy Before I Started
Selling on Etsy can be quite daunting and hindsight certainly is 20/20 vision. That’s the benefit of looking back is you can see all the things you didn’t know. I literally knew nothing about selling on Etsy when I started. I was under the delusional impression that I would figure out everything I would need…
Why We Buy – A Review
Okay, so admitting I just powered through a book about selling is a little embarrassing but if you want to go into a retail business (which I am in) and be a success you HAVE to read this book. Why We Buy The Science of Shopping (I bought the updated and Revised Audio edition) by…